Compliance Alerts

Michigan Issues Bulletin Regarding PIP Choice and Bodily Injury Coverage Limits Forms

Written by AAIS | Mar 13, 2025

On February 24, 2025, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) issued Bulletin 2025-07-INS, which supersedes Bulletin 2023-11-INS, to issue a revised version of the Michigan Selection of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Medical Coverage Form and reissue the Choice of Bodily Injury Liability Form.


The Michigan Selection of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Medical Coverage Form was revised for clarity and to expand definitions. Insurers must submit their new or revised PIP choice form in a filing to DIFS no fewer than 30 days prior to the effective date of the form, and no later than June 1, 2025. The bulletin also reissues the Choice of Bodily Injury Liability Coverage Limits Form, which was not amended but republished, as automobile insurers are required to use the form when offering applicants and insureds no-fault automobile insurance.


Please see Bulletin 2025-07-INS for more information. For any questions regarding the bulletin, please contact:


Department of Insurance and Financial Services
Office of Insurance Rates and Forms
P.O. Box 30220
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7720
Toll Free: (877) 999-6442