On March 19, 2025, the Maine Bureau of Insurance issued Bulletin 483 regarding the use of aerial imagery by homeowners insurers.
Maine Issues Bulletin Regarding Aerial Imagery
Mar 27, 2025 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Maine
Louisiana Issues Directive 226 Regarding Emergency Assessment Changes
Mar 26, 2025 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Louisiana
On March 21, 2025, the Louisiana Department of Insurance issued Directive 226 regarding Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (LCPIC) emergency assessments.
Arkansas has enacted Senate Bill 48, which, among other provisions, is adding clarification regarding deductible disclosure. The bill states that for owner-occupied residential property insurance policies, all deductibles included under the policy must be disclosed, as applicable, in a clear and conspicuous manner on the policy declaration page or notice of renewal. For owner-occupied residential property insurance policies that contain separate deductible levels by peril, the deductible amounts along with the policy's all other peril deductible, if applicable, must be displayed on the policy declaration page or notice of renewal.
Maryland Adopts COMAR Through .04
Mar 18, 2025 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Maryland
Maryland has adopted COMAR through .04. Among other provisions, the rules require insurers to participate in the Motor Vehicle Administration's Online Insurance Verification (OLV) program, which helps verify insurance policies in real time. Additionally, on at least a weekly basis, insurance companies are required to submit a report of all active policies in an electronic format determined by the Administration.
Wyoming has enacted Senate File 52 which, among other provisions, amends the definition of "insurance transaction" and requires insurers to notify the department of any contact information updates within 30 days of the change. This becomes effective July 1, 2025.
Michigan Issues Bulletin Regarding PIP Choice and Bodily Injury Coverage Limits Forms
Mar 13, 2025 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Michigan
On February 24, 2025, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) issued Bulletin 2025-07-INS, which supersedes Bulletin 2023-11-INS, to issue a revised version of the Michigan Selection of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Medical Coverage Form and reissue the Choice of Bodily Injury Liability Form.
Iowa has adopted IAC 761-641.1 through .6 to establish requirements for financial liability coverage cards to provide consistency for cards issued by insurers in the state. The rules stipulate the content that should be included on financial liability coverage cards that are issued to the owner of a fleet of vehicles and on cards issued for motor vehicles that are not insured as part of a fleet. Additionally, the rules state the responsibilities of the insurer, including issuing a card to the named insured for each motor vehicle insured for every new and renewal policy. This becomes effective March 26, 2025.
Maryland Amends COMAR, .05, .07, and .08
Mar 10, 2025 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Maryland
Maryland has adopted the proposed amendments to COMAR, .05, .07, and .08. Among other revisions, the amendments add that a notice of cancellation or nonrenewal or a reduction of coverage may be sent to an electronic mail address to which the insured consented to receive mail, or posted to an electronic network with a separate notice to the insured directed to the electronic mail address to which they consented to receive such notice.
Colorado Amends 3 CCR 702-5, Regulation 5-2-16
Mar 7, 2025 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Colorado
Colorado has amended 3 CCR 702-5, Regulation 5-2-16 to stipulate summary disclosure requirements and require that the summary disclosure form be provided in English and the summary document form be provided in Spanish for private passenger automobile insurance. The regulation provides the requirements and information that must be included in both summary forms. Additionally, every insurer should update and file a summary disclosure form and summary document form in SERFF to reflect any changes in major coverages and exclusions for private passenger automobile policies. Lastly, for policies effective on or after January 1, 2026, insurers must provide a language selection form to any new applicants at the time of application and to renewal policyholders at the first renewal following January 1, 2026.
North Carolina Issues Consent to Rate Data Call
Mar 6, 2025 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Data Call, North Carolina
On February 18, 2025, the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) issued Bulletin Number 25-B-04 to all property and casualty insurers writing nonfleet private passenger motor vehicle physical damage and homeowners insurance coverage in the state, requesting data on Consent to Rate policies.