Texas Extends Claims Processing Deadlines in Certain Counties Following Hurricane Beryl
Jul 24, 2024 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Texas
Louisiana has enacted House Bill 609, which, among other provisions, outlines the appraisal process. The bill states that upon a demand for appraisal, the insurer and claimant should each select an independent and qualified appraiser. If the appraisers do not agree on the amount of loss, then they should select an independent and qualified umpire. In the event that the appraisers are unable to agree on an umpire, then either appraiser may submit a request for the judge to select one. Additionally, the bill outlines other details, including appraiser qualifications and umpire selection. The bill will apply to all property insurance policies issued, delivered, or renewed on or after January 1, 2025.
California Issues Moratorium Following Thompson Fire
Jul 22, 2024 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, California
On July 11, 2024, the California Department of Insurance (CDI) issued Bulletin 2024-5 to put in place a mandatory moratorium after a state of emergency was declared following the Thompson Fire.
Louisiana Issues Hurricane Season Data Calls
Jul 22, 2024 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Data Call, Louisiana
On July 12, 2024, the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) issued Directive 224 to notify all authorized property and casualty insurers and surplus lines insurers of the Homeowners Insurance Policies Data Calls and the Commercial Lines Property Policies Data Calls.
Pennsylvania Issues Annual Private Passenger Automobile Data Call
Jul 19, 2024 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Data Call, Pennsylvania
On July 8, 2024, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) issued their annual Private Passenger Automobile Data Call that will help them monitor the private passenger automobile insurance marketplace in the state.
Alabama Issues Data Call for Hurricane Sally
Jul 19, 2024 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Data Call, Alabama
On July 9, 2024, the Alabama Department of Insurance (ALDOI) issued Bulletin No. 2024-03 regarding a Hurricane Sally data call.
Rhode Island Enacts Senate Bill 3105
Jul 18, 2024 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Rhode Island
Rhode Island has enacted Senate Bill 3105, which, among other provisions, states that when requested by the insured or claimant, the insurer must directly pay repair benefits to a licensed auto body shop of the consumer's choice for the motor vehicle repairs. It also requires insurers to compensate for any documented procedures that are identified as required or recommended by the original equipment manufacturer or paint manufacturer upon the initial request from the auto body shop. Lastly, if any insurer fails to comply with certain requirements when settling claims on Rhode Island registered vehicles repaired in the state, regardless of where the insurance policy was issued or originates, it constitutes an unfair claims practice.
Louisiana has enacted Senate Bill 499, which clarifies that if the uninsured motorist coverage rejection, selection of lower limits, or selection of economic-only coverage form is signed but not properly completed, then as specified, there should be no uninsured motorist coverage or modified uninsured motorist coverage included on the policy if it is determined that the insured or their representative intended to reject or modify the coverage.
Michigan Issues Bulletin Regarding Depreciation of Nontangible Items
Jul 17, 2024 / by AAIS posted in Compliance, Michigan
On July 3, 2024, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) issued Bulletin 2024-18-INS regarding the depreciation of labor and other nontangible items that may be included in some property insurance policies' definition of Actual Cash Value (ACV).
Delaware has enacted Senate Bill 200, which provides that, except for notices of nonpayment of premium, notifications for cancellation and nonrenewal should be delivered to the named insured by certified mail or by USPS Intelligent Mail barcode. Additionally, the bill outlines that an insurer may not refuse to renew a homeowners insurance policy based solely on claims not caused by weather, unless two or more claims have been made against the policy during the 60 months immediately preceding the expiration of the current policy period. The bill goes into effect on October 1, 2024.