Rich Pelkofsky

Farm & Ag Product Manager - Rich is AAIS’s Farm & Ag Product Manager, responsible for developing and maintaining our Farm & Ag products and partnering with the Far & Ag insurance community. Rich has spent more than 30 years in Agricultural insurance as an agent, agency owner, marketing representative and Senior Product Specialist in Farm forms. Rich has received his CPCU, CRM, CIC, AFIS and CCP designations.

Recent Posts

Is Vertical Farming Cities’ Saving Grace?

Aug 19, 2020 / by Rich Pelkofsky posted in Issues & Trends, COVID-19, New/Emerging Risks, Farm & Ag, Farming, AAIS Views, Vertical Farming, Agriculture


COVID-19 has left a trail of destruction in its path. Spreading across the world, it has weakened businesses and industries as people and governments respond to the challenges associated with the ongoing pandemic. The Farm and Agriculture industry is no exception, having experienced disruption due to the deadly virus. In some locations, workers were sent home and transportation was stalled, leaving the tables of millions of families without the produce they so rely upon.

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The Budding Potential of Vertical Farming

Jun 18, 2020 / by Rich Pelkofsky posted in Issues & Trends, COVID-19, New/Emerging Risks, Climate Change, Farm & Ag, Farming, 2020 VME, Laurus Insurance, reinsurance, AAIS Views, Vertical Farming


Climate change continues to wreak havoc on farm and agriculture businesses. With increasingly unpredictable weather, destructive storms, and a decrease in natural resources, the farm & ag industry is scrambling to find a more reliable way to farm– one that would protect the industry from a quickly changing world.

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New Rules for Sanitary Transportation of Food

Sep 15, 2018 / by Rich Pelkofsky posted in Community, Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Robotics/Drones, Inland Marine, Regulatory/Compliance, Farm & Ag, Auto, Food, AAIS Views, Agriculture, MCT Forms


There has seen an increase in governmental oversight of the manufacturing, handling and storage of food. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was passed to prevent practices that could potentially create food safety hazards. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in turn, released rules for the safe transport of food. They are known as rules for "Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food", and they are affecting the inland marine market.

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