AAIS sat down with Casey Davis, Product Manager of Farm & Agribusiness, to discuss some of the current trends affecting the Farm & Ag insurance market. She also touched on new coverages seen in this insurance space and expanded on some of the modern products offered to insurers by AAIS.
Advisory Report: Current Trends Affecting the Farm & Agribusiness Insurance Market
Dec 6, 2022 / by AAIS posted in Insurance, Agribusiness, Farm & Ag, Farming, AAIS Views, Insurance Market, Farmowners (FO), Agriculture
AgriCon Focus on Timely Industry Issues: Blockchain Potential, Cannabis Complexities
Mar 21, 2022 / by Hope King posted in openIDL, Technology, Issues & Trends, Open Source, Cyber, Agribusiness, Cannabis, CannaBOP, Farm & Ag, Blockchain, Farming
AAIS recently attended the IRMI Agribusiness Conference (AgriCon), the premier event for insurance and risk management professionals specializing in the exposures and coverage needs of farms and agribusinesses. Among the many interesting and informative sessions, AAIS Product Development Specialist Hope King highlighted two topics particularly near and dear to AAIS and our Members.
Update from The Farm…Farmowners Product Expanding
Nov 30, 2021 / by Hope King posted in Technology, Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Robotics/Drones, Tech News, Farm & Ag, P&C Insurers, Farming, AAIS News & Views, AAIS Insights, Data/Tech, Insurance Line of Business, Farmowners (FO)
The farm industry continues to transform. While smaller family farming operations maintain a strong presence and make up a large percentage of the market, we’re seeing growth of large commercial farms that include a variety of operations and layered revenue streams. It is an ultra-competitive market with each company searching for an edge over their competitors.
Is Vertical Farming Cities’ Saving Grace?
Aug 19, 2020 / by Rich Pelkofsky posted in Issues & Trends, COVID-19, New/Emerging Risks, Farm & Ag, Farming, AAIS Views, Vertical Farming, Agriculture
COVID-19 has left a trail of destruction in its path. Spreading across the world, it has weakened businesses and industries as people and governments respond to the challenges associated with the ongoing pandemic. The Farm and Agriculture industry is no exception, having experienced disruption due to the deadly virus. In some locations, workers were sent home and transportation was stalled, leaving the tables of millions of families without the produce they so rely upon.
The Budding Potential of Vertical Farming
Jun 18, 2020 / by Rich Pelkofsky posted in Issues & Trends, COVID-19, New/Emerging Risks, Climate Change, Farm & Ag, Farming, 2020 VME, Laurus Insurance, reinsurance, AAIS Views, Vertical Farming
Climate change continues to wreak havoc on farm and agriculture businesses. With increasingly unpredictable weather, destructive storms, and a decrease in natural resources, the farm & ag industry is scrambling to find a more reliable way to farm– one that would protect the industry from a quickly changing world.
Trade Wars, Meat Processing Among Key Farm & Ag Issues during COVID-19
Jun 3, 2020 / by AAIS posted in Community, Issues & Trends, Events, AAIS Event Archive, COVID-19, New/Emerging Risks, Farm & Ag, Farming, Food, 2020 VME, Laurus Insurance, AAIS Views, food & produce
Dairy, meat and crop supplies are available…but processing is not. Decreased demand for ethanol leads to changing priorities from farmers, and Midwest family farms, already impacted by rising machinery prices, struggle to survive. For Farm & Ag insurers, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unexpected challenges requiring quick, creative solutions to help keep the farm industry afloat.
Reliable Robotics Take on Tasks
Oct 21, 2019 / by Mutual Boiler Re posted in Community, Technology, Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Robotics/Drones, Insurtech, IoT, New/Emerging Risks, Industry, Farming, Data/Tech, Mutual Boiler Re, FM Global Group, AAIS Views
Robots – once the subjects of science fiction books, movies and TV programs – are now real-life partners involved in our daily lives in many ways.
Robotic applications are cropping up everywhere to replace an assortment of jobs that
have been performed by humans for decades. Often times, they’re designed to perform a very specific task, allowing them to deliver enhanced productivity, reduced operating costs and decreased error rates. They can be found in various locations and industries, completing repetitive tasks such as assembling orders in a warehouse, harvesting crops on a farm and even preparing meals at a fast-food restaurant.