Colorado Asks Insurers to Extend ALE Coverage for Marshall Fire Survivors

Jan 4, 2023 / by AAIS

On December 11, 2022, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Insurance (DOI), issued an open letter to the homeowners insurance companies with policyholders in the Marshall Fire area. The letter requests insurers to extend additional living expenses (ALE) coverage in homeowners' policies if the policy had a minimum of 12 months of coverage.

The open letter below will be posted on the Division’s website for the public and insurance companies to review. The letter will be followed by a survey to insurance companies, which will ask them to agree to extend policies that are limited to 12-months of ALE coverage to 24 months of ALE coverage. Insurers' responses to the survey will be due to the DOI by December 30, 2022.


Link to DOI Press Release


Tags: Colorado


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