On June 5, 2024, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) issued Insurance Circular Letter No. 4 regarding disaster planning, preparedness, and response by the property and casualty insurance industry.
The circular letter describes the standards expected of insurers in planning and preparing for, and responding to, disasters. Within the circular letter, the DFS has requested responses to the pre-disaster data survey by June 28, 2024. The DFS is also requiring each addressee to submit a disaster response plan, and responses to the disaster response plan questionnaire and business continuity plan questionnaire, by August 16, 2024.
Please see Insurance Circular Letter No. 4 for more information. For any questions regarding the circular letter, please contact Ashbert Carrington, Financial Services Examiner 2, at disasterplanning@dfs.ny.gov or 212-480-4702.