Making Sense of Insurtech

Aug 23, 2018 / by Truman Esmond posted in Technology, Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Insurance News/Current Events, Tech News, Insurtech, IoT, Innovation, Data/Tech


Insurance and technology have been linked together since the papyrus and quill.  While the technology has changed, from paper to electronic, from documents to apps to web-enabled experiences, the functionality provided by technology has always supported the business – and not the other way around.  While the latest technology is being marketed as “transformational” and “disruptive” to insurance, what is often lost is HOW that might take place. And without that, there’s little value in that transformational technology.  

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Insuring the Ridesharing Economy...Vehicle Sharing and Telematics

Nov 29, 2017 / by Casey Brewer posted in Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Insurtech, Telematics, New/Emerging Risks, Auto, Commercial Auto


Shared mobility services are not only growing, they also are expanding in scope. Among these trends is the significant increase in vehicle sharing programs. A recent Frost & Sullivan report noted that approximately 7 million users were sharing roughly 112,000 vehicles in 2015 in the United States alone. These numbers are expected to grow to over 36 million users and 427,000 vehicles by 2025. Market revenues are predicted to increase to more than $16 billion within the next five to ten years.

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Disruption in the Personal Auto Market

Oct 11, 2017 / by Casey Brewer posted in Technology, Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Insurtech, Telematics, Auto, Personal Auto


The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with coining the phrase "the only constant is change". Odds are he wasn’t predicting the current state of auto insurance, but those words ring true today as we look at this ever-changing marketplace. Lately there has been a lot of discussion about auto insurance, and varied opinions around the future of the largest line of P&C business. Nobody knows exactly what the auto insurance market will look like in 20 to 30 years, but it will be vastly different than it is today. AAIS Auto Product Manager Casey Brewer outlines the forces currently reshaping the market. Following are excerpts that summarize "The Trifecta of Disruptive Trends" affecting the Personal Auto Insurance market.

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