The Internet was built on the concepts of open source, open collaboration, and cooperation. One industry pioneer believes these principles can and should be put into use today for continued success.
Looking Back and Looking Forward with a ‘Father of the Internet’
Jun 20, 2020 / by AAIS posted in Community, Data & Technology, Data Management/Distributed Ledger, Events, AAIS Event Archives, Data/Tech, 2020 VME, google, National Science Foundation, AAIS Views, Vint Cerf
Open Source at Work: The COVID-19 Data Call
Jun 20, 2020 / by AAIS posted in openIDL, Community, Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Insurance News/Current Events, Open Source, COVID-19, Insurtech, Regulatory/Compliance, Regulators, Travelers, Data Call, Business Interruption, The Hartford, AAIS Views
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, regulators quickly realized two problems. They would need to collect massive amounts of data and issue multiple data calls, particularly around business interruption, and there was no secure, efficient way to gather this data to truly understand the impact COVID-19 was having on the P&C market. With business interruption claims growing, a quick, effective solution was needed.
Leading the Way: The Insurance Community’s Response to a Global Pandemic
Jun 20, 2020 / by AAIS posted in Community, Issues & Trends, Insurance News/Current Events, COVID-19, P&C Insurers, Industry, Leadership, Executive, 2020 VME, NAIC, Greenberg Traurig, Business Interruption, AM Best, AAIS Views, Dowling and Partners
This year, the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world. Storefronts and restaurants were shuttered; jobs were lost; many became ill, and most companies had to quickly adjust to a new, remote working environment. The effects of the pandemic are pervasive, and will have a lasting impact on families, communities, businesses, and the country for years to come.
The Budding Potential of Vertical Farming
Jun 18, 2020 / by Rich Pelkofsky posted in Issues & Trends, COVID-19, New/Emerging Risks, Climate Change, Farm & Ag, Farming, 2020 VME, Laurus Insurance, reinsurance, AAIS Views, Vertical Farming
Climate change continues to wreak havoc on farm and agriculture businesses. With increasingly unpredictable weather, destructive storms, and a decrease in natural resources, the farm & ag industry is scrambling to find a more reliable way to farm– one that would protect the industry from a quickly changing world.
Cannabis Coverage is Lighting Up the Insurance Industry
Jun 17, 2020 / by Phil Skaggs posted in Issues & Trends, New/Emerging Risks, Cannabis, CannaBOP, Farm & Ag, Commercial Lines, Industry
An increasing number of states are legalizing the use of medicinal and recreational cannabis, creating the opportunity for new business ventures and the need for reliable insurance coverage as the industry expands and matures.
Be 'The Calm Person in the Boat...Leadership During COVID-19
Jun 16, 2020 / by AAIS posted in Community, Events, AAIS Event Archive, COVID-19, P&C Insurers, Industry, Leadership, 2020 VME
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought great uncertainty…among families, companies, communities, and the world. Leaders must understand how to overcome their own fears to inspire and engage their teams during this difficult time. But how can leaders be calm, assertive and decisive to help their teams continue to succeed?
A Data-Driven Future: 2020 Auto Trends
Jun 16, 2020 / by Casey Brewer posted in Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, Insurtech, Telematics, P&C Insurers, Auto, Commercial Auto, Data/Tech, Data Management, 2020 VME, TNEDICCA, AAIS Views
The auto industry is fueling up for new technology down the road. Fully autonomous vehicles and advanced crash-data analysis will all impact not only how the industry operates, but how it is insured as well.
NAIC CEO discusses Regulator Pandemic Response
Jun 16, 2020 / by AAIS posted in Community, Issues & Trends, Events, Insurance News/Current Events, AAIS Event Archive, Industry Associations, COVID-19, Regulatory/Compliance, Legislation & Regulation, 2020 VME, NAIC, pandemic, AAIS Views, NatCats
The COVID-19 pandemic proved what National Association of Insurance Commissioners CEO Mike Consedine already knew – the regulatory community is swift, nimble, and creative when dealing with an unprecedented emergency.
A.M. Best is Eyeing Workers Comp and Business Interruption as Pandemic Response Continues
Jun 16, 2020 / by AAIS posted in Community, Issues & Trends, Events, AAIS Event Archive, COVID-19, New/Emerging Risks, P&C Insurers, Business, Executive, 2020 VME, AMBest, Business Interruption, AAIS Views
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic was a serious blow to the economy…but for the insurance industry, one expert believes that recovery is on the way. A.M. Best Chief Rating Officer Stefan Holzberger discussed how COVID-19 is impacting the insurance ecosystem during the AAIS Virtual Main Event.
Safe at Home, Safe Online: Smart Homes, Sensors, and IoT
Jun 15, 2020 / by Linda Jancik posted in Personal Lines, Community, Technology, Issues & Trends, Data & Technology, IoT, Homeowners, Telematics, Cyber, P&C Insurers, Security, Data Management, 2020 VME, AAIS Views, NatCats, CFM Insurance, Roost, Neos
Advancements in technology have brought great strength to home security systems, transforming what we once considered an average house into a modern smart home.